“The meeting with Suzana happened by accident. After a short conversation, I asked her to make a dance program in accordance with my age, so that I could try something that I was said I am anti-talented.
And now, a miracle is happening!!! At the first bars, which I perform uncertainly and under the porch, Suzana is the first in my life to notice that I have a rhythm in me and that I will be able to play on the podium with my head held high. With a lot of tact, simple showing, great patience, she manages to completely relax me in the second class. In addition to learning to dance properly and get rid of discomfort (when I am in the company, I literally worry if some gentleman will choose me to dance), I also realized that dancing is a perfect physical activity that contributes to health and is a real anti-stress therapy. Many thanks to Suzana who is a perfect professional and a person who knows how to understand others!”