Does the music ever stop playing?

personSlađana Milošević
history3 minutes reading

And those who were seen dancing were considered crazy by those who could not hear the music” Friedrich Nietzsche

I recently found again this wisdom on the internet.

Like everything on the Internet, you should first check if Nietzsche really said this. No, there is no evidence for that; it even turned out that this saying has been attributed to the great philosopher only since 2003. Who could in this overload of information, know what is true? They also say that the famous actress Megan Fox tattooed this on her body, again who knows.

In any case, music was very important to Nietzsche and his famous quote (really his) is this one: “Without music, life would be a mistake.”

What is interesting to me here is how we understand this statement, no matter who is an author of it.

How can I explain to someone who doesn’t hear music what it’s about? How beautiful and important it is to dance? And what they are missing if they dont hear music and dance?

What do we do to enable those who do not hear to hear?

Are we aware of what we look like playing until someone else hears?

How come someone hears music and someone doesn’t (if it’s not that a person doesn’t really hear)?

Why do we dance when we hear music? How do we dance?

Does music ever stop playing?

Do we fully enjoy the music we hear?

And many more questions are there…You can see for yourself that questions have more meaning and are metaphorical. Some how they make you think about life.

Interestingly, recently in the Netflix series “Atypical” I saw for the first time something called Silent Disco. It’s about an autistic boy not being able to attend a dance at school, because it’s too much noise for him and he simply can not stand it. His girlfriend decides to do something to enable him to be at the dance after all. She organizes the so-called “Silent Disco”. This means that everyone has headphones and that they are dancing while music is not heard loudly and does not bother the autistic boy. Great idea, isn’t it?

For me, even after this article, the question remains how to help those who do not hear or do not want to hear music to still hear and play.

A big task, for small steps. Everyone has to do as much as s/he can and whenever s/he can. This is also our mission at this blog and thanks again for following us.


Photo: by Elviss-Railijs-Bitāns

Friedrih Nitzschemusic
Sladjana Milosevic
Blog Author Sladjana Milosevic

Accredited coach/mentor (MP EIA). Accredited coach/mentor supervisor (ESIA)

Diplomate in Logotherapy (Viktor Frankl Institute, USA)

Logocoaching – coaching by applying basic principles of logotherapy.

Coaching – Sir John Whitmore defines coaching as: “Unlocking person’s potential to maximize their own performance” (Source: Whitmore, J. (2002). Coaching for Performance, Third Edition: Growing People, Performance, and Purpose).

Coaching is not a therapy in any sense!

Logotherapy – Logotherapy provides answers to questions about the meaning of existence. As a psychotherapeutic approach, it brings into psychotherapy the knowledge that in addition to the physical and mental dimension, a person also has a third, spiritual dimension. In Logotherapy, the focus in on the future, on tasks and meaning.

You can find more about Logotherapy from: Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna/Austria.

For more information about logocoaching, coaching and coach/mentor supervision you can send e-mail to Sladjana: