Energy from the dance floor

personSlađana Milošević
history3 minutes reading
If you like science news you most probably have heard of dr Sabine Hossenfelder. I follow regularly her Youtube channel, with interesting news from the world of physics and science in general. Science news from Oct 12th 2022 you can watch here; this is when I heard for the first time about renewable energy from dancing! While searching for SWG3…
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Magical movements

personSlađana Milošević
history2 minutes reading
Earlier in the article on this blog “Why movement is so important to us“, I wrote that the Russian mystic Gurdjieff said that there had been knowledge in movements that had been passed from generation to generation, that movements can represent a cosmic truth that the observer can understand. These movements can lead to another level of understanding of ourselves…
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Why is movement so important to us?

personSlađana Milošević
history2 minutes reading

For several years, one of the most sought-after topics in the trainings I did was Time Management. Then they started talking about how time cannot be managed. It can only govern itself in the construction of the human mind, called time…

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