We dance

personSlađana Milošević
history5 minutes reading

The idea for this text was given to me by Suzana; she sent me a text about how much Sharon Stone likes to dance. (text Is in Serbian language).

And then the words of the song “We dance” of the famous Croatian Group “Prljavo Kazaliste”, which we all here love and know, imposed themselves as the title.

Let’s see who else loves dance and music. I’m not going to write about actors, because dance and music are part of their job.

I will start with the fact that there is a traditional belief that mathematicians are good musicians and that mathematics and music are connected. As Timothy Gowers says in his book “Mathematics, A Very Short Introduction”: “The consequence is that no one is surprised to learn that a mathematician is a good pianist, that his hobby is composing or that he likes to listen to Bach”. Yet in that book Gowers makes it clear that there is no direct connection between mathematics and music, at least not proven.

But then, for example, Einstein adored the violin. It is known fact that he said that if he were not a physicist, he would be a musician. I know from experience how important the violin is for imagination and thinking out of the box (although it is a “frustrating instrument in terms of mastering”, as Young Sheldon would say). Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge; he loved his violin, named Lina and he claimed violin gave him the most joy in his life. He frequently played classical music as a brainstorming technique.

Another, world-famous scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Richard Feynman also played – drums. Douglas Hofstadter, author of “I am a strange Loop” also has a huge interest in music, which helps them understand how we exist, who we are, and where we come from. Lazar Džamić, our and world-renowned marketing expert, author of several fantastic books, also plays drums.

Now, lets see who loves to dance and how they dance. In my search for famous people who love to dance, I came across this article. Here you can also see what it looks like when some of the famous people dancing like nobody’s watching. In these photos, everyone is in a good mood, smiling, except Putin 😉

And on the list are Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Pablo Picasso, Che Guevara, Jackie Kennedy…

The Queen is passionate for her horses, horse racing, and she loves corgis, but the official royal website has revealed one little known hobby about Her Majesty – she loves Scottish country dancing.

I also found this funny story about the party at Windsor Castle: “She (The Queen) goes on the dance floor at which point people were going, “Ooh look, she’s going to have a dance.”

She was on the floor and everybody said, “My goodness me, there is the Dancing Queen.”

According to the presenter, the queen appreciated the irony of the situation — and even makes a point of dancing when she hears the song.

That is a true story and she said audibly, “I always try to dance when this song comes on because I am the queen and I like to dance”. 😊

Some of the most beautiful sayings about dance were given by Nietzsche, Einstein, Plato, Confucius, Jane Austen, Yates, Shakespeare, Krishnamurti, Rumi… We have given some of them in our blog. These beautiful quotes are a real proof of the importance and healing power of dance.

Personally, I know a lot of IT experts, university professors, translators, doctors, therapists from all over the world who are great dancers. Some of them have been my mentors and tutors over the years; learning with them was fully of joy; we “danced” together beautifully while learning new things.

We will write about them in some of our future blogs.

Till then, dance all day and night like nobody’s watching 😉







Sladjana Milosevic
Blog Author Sladjana Milosevic

Accredited coach/mentor (MP EIA). Accredited coach/mentor supervisor (ESIA)

Diplomate in Logotherapy (Viktor Frankl Institute, USA)

Logocoaching – coaching by applying basic principles of logotherapy.

Coaching – Sir John Whitmore defines coaching as: “Unlocking person’s potential to maximize their own performance” (Source: Whitmore, J. (2002). Coaching for Performance, Third Edition: Growing People, Performance, and Purpose).

Coaching is not a therapy in any sense!

Logotherapy – Logotherapy provides answers to questions about the meaning of existence. As a psychotherapeutic approach, it brings into psychotherapy the knowledge that in addition to the physical and mental dimension, a person also has a third, spiritual dimension. In Logotherapy, the focus in on the future, on tasks and meaning.

You can find more about Logotherapy from: Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna/Austria.

For more information about logocoaching, coaching and coach/mentor supervision you can send e-mail to Sladjana: kontakt@plesigrad.rs